In Norse mythology, Váli (Old Norse: [ˈwɑːle]) is a son of the god Odin and the giantess Rindr. Váli has several brothers, including Thor, Baldr, and Víðarr. He was born for the sole purpose of avenging Baldr by killing Höðr, who was unwittingly involved in Baldr's death, and by binding Loki with the entrails of his son Narfi. Váli grew to adulthood within a single day of his birth, killed Höðr, and later played a role in Loki’s punishment. It is foretold that Váli will survive Ragnarök.
Longstanding Transcription Error
Váli is sometimes mistakenly identified as Loki's son, although some historians argue this is due to an early transcription error. The confusion arises from a single passage in Gylfaginning, which states: "Then the sons of Loki, Váli and Nari, were taken." However, in two other instances within Gylfaginning, Váli is described as Odin's son. All other contemporary documents refer to Váli exclusively as Odin's son, except for later copies of this potentially erroneous text.
Váli’s story is referenced in Baldrs draumar:
Rindr will give birth to Váli
in the western halls;
this son of Óðinn
will kill when he is but a night old—
he will not wash his hands,
nor comb his hair,
before he lays Baldr’s adversary
on the funeral pyre.
— Translation by Ursula Dronke
In Völuspá:
From that slender stem,
a shaft of terror grew, dangerous:
Hǫðr began to shoot.
A brother of Baldr
was quickly born:
He began—Óðinn’s son—
to slay when he was but a night old.
And in Gylfaginning (where Váli is described as Loki's son):
Now Loki was taken without weapons and brought to a certain cave. Then three flat stones were taken, sharpened, and drilled through. Next, Loki’s sons, Váli and Nari (or Narfi), were taken. The Æsir turned Váli into the form of a wolf, and he tore his brother Narfi apart. The Æsir then took Narfi’s entrails and bound Loki with them over the three stones: one under his shoulders, another under his loins, and the third under his thighs; and these bonds were turned to iron.
— Translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
Additionally, in Gylfaginning, Váli is mentioned again:
One is called Ali or Váli, son of Odin and Rindr. He is bold in battle and an exceedingly skilled archer.
The same text states that Váli will survive Ragnarök alongside his brother Víðarr and Thor’s sons, Móði and Magni.
Early mistranslations or confusions have led to a single reference to Váli as Loki's son: "Þá váru teknir synir Loka, Váli ok Nari eða Narfi" from the Prose Edda, translated as "Then the sons of Loki, Váli and Nari, were taken." This is the sole source identifying Váli as Loki’s son. The same text also mentions that Baldr's death was avenged by his brother (in Völuspá 33) and that Váli, in Völuspá 51, is the son of Odin—a fact repeated in Baldrs draumar.
The Gesta Danorum, written much later, also recounts that Odin had a son with Rinda who would avenge the death of another son, Baldr. However, in this version, the son is named Boe rather than Váli. In all these accounts, Odin immediately sought to conceive this avenger, through seduction, trickery, or violence.
Similarly, in each document, Váli is assigned a role that ties him to Loki's punishment. However, notes and afterwords in translations suggest that this role reflects a punishment transformation. In truth, the gift of wolf-like strength and fury was granted by Odin to warriors known as ulfhednar. This connection makes Váli a berserker and possibly a source of the ulfhednar legend.
Finally, in Hauksbók, a different description is provided. In this version of Völuspá, stanza 34 begins: "Þá kná Vála | vígbǫnd snúa", typically altered to the nominative Váli to provide a subject for the verb. Ursula Dronke translates this as "Then Váli slaughtered | bond twist", likely referencing Váli, the son of Óðinn, who was born to avenge Baldr’s death. This interpretation suggests Váli bound Loki, rather than the unlikely possibility that Váli, as Loki's son, is being referenced—a claim made only in a single line of the Prose Edda.