

Muspelheim (Old Norse: Múspellsheimr), also known simply as Muspell (Múspell), is the fiery realm in Norse mythology.


The origin of the name Muspelheim is uncertain, but it may derive from the term Mund-spilli, meaning "world-destroyer" or "world’s end."

Description and Mythology

Muspelheim is described as a land of intense heat and fire, inhabited by fire giants. It is guarded by Surtr, who wields a flaming sword. Muspelheim plays a pivotal role in both the creation and destruction myths of Norse mythology.

  • Creation:
    According to the Prose Edda, Muspelheim existed long before the Earth was created. In the beginning, the primordial void of Ginnungagap lay between two extremes: the icy realm of Niflheim and the fiery realm of Muspelheim.

    • From Niflheim flowed eleven rivers called the Élivágar, including:
      • Svol
      • Gunnthro
      • Form
      • Finbul
      • Thul
      • Slid and Hrid
      • Sylg and Ylg
      • Vid
      • Leipt
      • Gjoll

    As these rivers moved further from their source, their venom hardened into ice, spreading into Ginnungagap. Storms formed in the frozen north of the void. Meanwhile, sparks and heat from Muspelheim ignited the southern part of Ginnungagap.

    When the heat met the ice, it began to melt, creating drops of water. These drops gave rise to the first living being, the primordial giant Ymir (also known as Aurgelmir to the frost giants):

    "By the power of the heat that sent life, the drops took shape and became a man named Ymir. The frost giants call him Aurgelmir."

    Sparks from Muspelheim also formed the Sun, Moon, and stars.

  • Ragnarök:
    Muspelheim and its inhabitants are central to the events of Ragnarök, the end of the world in Norse mythology. According to Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda:

    "Amidst the clamor and chaos, the sky will split, and the Sons of Muspell will ride forth through the opening.
    Surtr will lead, flames blazing before and behind him. He wields a brilliant sword that shines brighter than the sun. As they cross the Bifröst bridge, it will shatter into pieces.
    The Sons of Muspell will journey to the plain called Vigrid, where they will claim their territory and prepare for battle."

Cultural Depictions

Classical Literature

  • Hans Christian Andersen references Muspelheim as "Surtr's sea of fire" in his fairy tale The Marsh King's Daughter.

Marvel Universe

  • Comics: Muspelheim is one of the Nine Realms in Marvel Comics, depicted as the fiery domain of Surtr and his fire giants.
  • Films:
    • In Thor: The Dark World (2013), Muspelheim appears briefly during the Convergence.
    • In Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Muspelheim is portrayed as a Dyson sphere with rocky terrain, and it is the setting for Thor’s battle with Surtr.
    • Muspelheim also features in the animated series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, where Loki teleports Iceman to its fiery landscapes.

Video Games

  • Puzzle & Dragons: Includes monsters such as "Flame Dragon Muspelheim" and "Inferno Dragon Muspelheim."
  • God of War: Players can travel to Muspelheim to complete six trials. Each trial rewards players with resources and brings Kratos and Atreus closer to the summit of a massive volcano.
  • Fire Emblem Heroes: Muspell is a central setting in the game’s second book, which focuses on the war between Muspell and Niflheim.

Muspelheim stands as a symbol of destruction and transformation, its fiery essence both a creative and apocalyptic force in Norse mythology.

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