

Ægir (anglicised as Aegir; Old Norse "Sea"), also known as Hlér (Old Norse "Sea") or Gymir (Old Norse, less clearly "Sea, Devourer"), is a jötunn and a personification of the sea in Norse mythology. In Old Norse accounts, Ægir hosts the gods in his hall and is associated with brewing beer. Ægir is married to a goddess, Rán, who also personifies the sea, and together they have daughters who represent waves, the Nine Daughters of Ægir and Rán. Ægir’s son, Snær, embodies snow. Ægir may also be the father of the beautiful jötunn Gerðr, wife of the god Freyr, though this could refer to another figure with the same name (see below and Gymir (Father of Gerðr)).

One of Ægir’s names, Hlér, is linked to the island of Læsø (Old Norse Hléysey, "Hlér's island") and possibly to Lejre in Denmark. Scholars have long studied Ægir’s role in the Old Norse corpus, and his concept has influenced modern popular culture.


The Old Norse name Ægir ("Sea") may derive from the Proto-Germanic root āgwi-jaz ("one of the river/water"), which itself comes from the root ahwō- ("river"; compare Gothic alva "water, river," Old English ēa "stream," Old High German aha "river").

Richard Cleasby and Guðbrandur Vigfússon suggested that his name is derived from an ancient Indo-European root. Linguist Guus Kroonen argued that the Germanic root ahwō- is likely of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) origin, potentially related to Latin aqua (via the common form *h₂ekʷ-eh₂-) and ultimately from the PIE root h₂ep- ("water"; cf. Sanskrit áp- "water" or Tocharian āp- "water, river").

The name Ægir is also identical to a term for "sea" used in skaldic poetry, where it forms the base for numerous kennings. For example, a ship is called "Ægir’s horse," and waves are referred to as "daughters of Ægir."

In poetic descriptions from Hversu Noregr byggðist ("How Norway Was Settled") and Skáldskaparmál ("The Language of Poetry"), Ægir and the sea-jötunn Hlér, who resides on the island of Hlésey (modern-day Læsø), are identified as the same figure.

The meaning of the Old Norse name Gymir is uncertain. Proposed translations include "the Earthly" (from Old Norse gumi), "the Wintery" (from gemla), "the Protector," or "the Devourer" (from geymr).


Ægir is mentioned in various Old Norse sources.


Ægir and Rán are mentioned in the poem Sonatorrek, attributed to the Icelandic skald Egill Skallagrímsson (10th century). In the poem, Egill laments the death of his son Böðvar, who drowned during a storm at sea. In a challenging stanza, the skald expresses his grief by imagining avenging the personified sea, represented by Ægir (Old Norse ǫlsmiðr, "beer-smith") and Rán (Ægis man, "Ægir’s wife"):

Veiztu um þá sök
sverði von rækak,

var ǫlsmið
allra tíma;
hroða vágs brœðr
ef vega mættak;
fœra ek andvígr
Ægis mani.


You know well,
if I could take revenge with a sword,
the beer-smith would perish;
if I could slay them,
I would fight Ægir
and his wife, Rán.

Later in the poem, Egill refers to Ægir with the kenning "Hlér’s fire" (Hlés viti), which means "gold."

Poetic Edda

Ægir appears in several Eddic poems, including Grímnismál, Hymiskviða, Lokasenna, and the prose introduction to Helgakviða Hundingsbana I.

In Grímnismál, the disguised god Odin references Ægir's reputation as a renowned host:

"I have revealed fleeting visions
before the sons of the Victory Gods;
Now the desired protection will awaken;
it will be known to all Æsir,
on Ægir’s benches,
at Ægir’s feast."

In Hymiskviða, Ægir plays a central role. The gods, thirsty after a successful hunt, want to celebrate with a drink. They "shake the twigs and consult the prophecy" and discover that Ægir has a rich selection of cauldrons. Odin approaches Ægir, finding him sitting cheerfully, and asks him to prepare a feast for the Æsir. Ægir, annoyed, devises a plan and demands that Thor retrieve a particular cauldron large enough to brew beer for everyone. This sets the stage for the events of the rest of the poem.

In the prose introduction to Lokasenna, Ægir (also called Gymir) hosts a feast with "the great cauldron previously mentioned." Gods and elves attend the event, which features beer that serves itself and gold that shines like firelight, creating a "great place of peace." Ægir’s servants, Fimafeng and Eldir, excel at their duties. Loki, enraged by their praise, murders Fimafeng, inciting the gods' wrath. Loki flees into the forest but later returns to the hall, causing disruption and strife as he brings conflict into Ægir’s gathering.

In Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, a large wave is described as "Ægir’s terrible daughter."


Prose Edda
Ægir is mentioned several times in the Skáldskaparmál section of the Prose Edda, where he is seated at a banquet and poses numerous questions to Bragi, the skaldic god, who responds with stories about the gods. The section begins as follows:

Anthony Faulkes Translation (1987):
"There was once a man whose name was Ægir or Hler. He lived on an island that is now called Hlesey. He was very skilled in magic. He set out to visit Asgard, and when the Æsir learned of his journey, he was made very welcome, though many things seemed deceptive."

Andy Orchard Translation (1997):
"There was a figure named Ægir or Hlér; he lived on an island now called Hléysey. He was very skilled in magic. He set out to visit Ásgard, and when the Æsir learned of his coming, he was magnificently received, though many things were not as they seemed."

J. Lindow Translation (2002):
"A man was named Ægir or Hlér; he lived on the island now called Hlér's Island. He had much magical knowledge. He set out for Ásgard, but the Æsir knew in advance of his journey. He was well received, but many things were done with illusions."

Beyond this section of Skáldskaparmál, Ægir appears multiple times in kennings. Chapter 25 provides examples of kennings for "sea," such as "visitor of the gods," "husband of Rán," "father of Ægir's daughters," and "land of Rán and Ægir's daughters." Examples given for skalds include "the storm-glad daughters of Ægir," meaning "waves," and a kenning in a fragment by the 11th-century Icelandic skald Hofgarða-Refr Gestsson, where Rán is described as "Gymir's ... völva" (seeress):

Standardised Old Norse:

Ok sem kvað Refr:
Fœrir bjǫrn, þar er bára
brestr, undinna festa
opt í Ægis kjǫpta
ursǫl Gymis vǫlva.

Anthony Faulkes Translation:
"And as Ref said:
Gymir’s foam-cold seeress often brings the twisted rope-bearer [ship] into Ægir’s jaws [beneath the waves], where the wave breaks."

The author of the section comments that the stanza "implies that they are all the same, Ægir and Hlér and Gymir."

In Skáldskaparmál Chapter 33b, the origin of the kenning "Ægir's fire" for gold is explained. The section attributes the term to a story in which Ægir used "glowing gold" in the center of his hall to illuminate it "like fire" (which the narrator compares to the flaming swords in Valhalla). The section explains that "Rán is the name of Ægir's wife, and the names of their nine daughters are as written above. The Æsir discovered that Rán had a net in which she caught anyone who ventured out to sea. This is the origin of the kenning for gold as Ægir’s fire, or the light or brightness of Ægir, Rán, or Ægir’s daughters. This practice has now extended to calling gold the fire of lakes or rivers and all river names, since Ægir’s and Rán’s names are also terms for the sea."

Chapter 61 includes additional kennings. The author notes that "Rán is said to be Ægir's wife" and that "Ægir and Rán’s daughters are nine." Chapter 75 lists Ægir among the jötnar.

Saga Corpus

In what seems to be a Norwegian genealogical tradition, Ægir is depicted as one of three elemental forces: sea, fire, and wind. The opening of the Orkneyinga saga ("Saga of the Orkney Islanders") and Hversu Noregr byggdisk ("How Norway Was Settled") recount that the jötunn-king Fornjót had three sons: Hlér ("Sea"), also called Ægir; Logi ("Fire"); and Kári ("Wind").

Scholarly Reception and Interpretation


Carolyne Larrington suggests that Ægir’s role in Hymiskviða "may reflect Scandinavian royal practices, where kings asserted their authority over subjects by visiting their homes and demanding a feast." Andy Orchard proposes that Ægir’s role in Skáldskaparmál, where he attends rather than hosts a banquet, is an intentional inversion of the traditional motif of Ægir as a host.


The name Gymir may indicate that Ægir was understood as the father of the beautiful jötunn Gerðr, though it might also refer to two distinct figures sharing the same name (see Gymir, Father of Gerðr). Both the prose introduction to Lokasenna and Skáldskaparmál state that Ægir is also known as Gymir, Gerðr’s father. Rudolf Simek argues that if these are separate figures, it could result from a misinterpretation of kennings where jötunn names were used interchangeably.

Hlér, Læsø, Lejre, and Snow

As noted in Skáldskaparmál, the name of the Danish island Læsø derives from Hlér (Old Norse Hléysey, "Hlér’s Island"). Simek speculates that Hlér may have been considered an ancestor of the island itself.

Two sources name the personified snow, Snær (Old Norse "Snow"), as Hlér’s son. In Book Nine of Saxo Grammaticus' 12th-century Gesta Danorum ("Deeds of the Danes"), a figure named Lerus (from Old Norse Hlér) is mentioned as the father of Snio (from Old Norse Snær, "Snow"). The Chronicon Lethrense (Chronicle of Lejre) similarly connects the two, and the name Lejre may, like Læsø, derive from the jötunn.


Scholars often discuss Ægir’s role as a host of the gods and his designation as a jötunn. Anthony Faulkes notes that Ægir is "often described by modern writers as a god of the sea," yet he is never called a god in the Prose Edda and is listed among the jötnar in Skáldskaparmál. John Lindow, noting that Ægir’s wife Rán is listed among the Ásynjur (goddesses) and that he has a close and friendly relationship with the Æsir (gods), questions Ægir’s classification as a jötunn. Conversely, Andy Orchard argues that Ægir’s association with the Æsir is likely a later development, as his daughters are described as jötnar and some sources trace his lineage to the jötunn Fornjót. Simek concludes that although Ægir is attested as a jötunn, he "bears traits" of a sea god.

Modern Influence

Ægir has been the subject of various artworks, including Nils Blommér’s painting Näcken och Ägirs döttrar (1850), Johan Peter Molin’s fountain relief Ægir (d. 1874), and Emil Doepler’s Ægir (1901).

In modern popular culture, Ægir has been referenced in various ways, including as the namesake of a Norwegian corvette launched in 1967 (Ægir), a German Imperial Navy coast guard ship, and an exoplanet, Epsilon Eridani b.

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